Jumat, 16 Mei 2014

Fruit Pie Recipe by Jesslyn Sukiat

jesslyn sukiat
Fruit Pie Recipe By Jesslyn Sukiat

"Men may come and men may go, but fruit pie goes on for ever "
-George Augustus Sala- 

Hey! this is my second post for today.
But before, i want to share to you guys about the reason why i suddenly post so many recipe in this recent days. 
My college project ask me to make some professional profile and that profile must be in the first page of Google. So i thought about food blogger and choose to blog about dessert recipe. I've been working for this blog for almost about 2 months but my blog hasn't come in to the 1st page. 
Next week is my due date to present my professional profile in front of the class, so i have to do something extra hard to make it into the 1st page. 
Posting lot of posts and update it everyday is one of the fastest way.
So, i am asking all of you who read this.
Please kindly share my blog or article to public or if you have blog, you can follow me or give me some comments. It means a lot to me :


Okay, here we go with fruit pie recipe.
So, fruit pie has been my family's favourite dessert. 
because the baking process is simple yet the taste is soooooo damn delicious.
I bet you, this recipe won't make you regret.
I've tried this recipe for about 2 times and it never get me bored. 

Here are my family's fruit pie recipe

Pie Ingredients :

250 grams of butter ( I use Blue band ) 
125 grams of caster sugar
1 egg yolk
225 grams of wheat flour ( I use Kunci )

Main Ingredients :
250 ml milk ( Ultra milk)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla powder
grapes, strawberries
2 egg yolks
100 grams of sugar
50 grams of flour
1 can of orange (Delmonte)

How to make ?

Pie :

1. Whip the butter and sugar until smooth. Put the egg yolks, mixer it until blended.
2. Put the flour, stir until blended. Wrap the dough in plastic, in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.
3. Remove from the fridge. Trimmed dough to 0.5 cm
4. Prepare pie mold round diameter 5 cm. Spread with margarine. Close each pie molds with batter until the base closed and the remaining dough. Prick the base with a fork prick.
5. Bake in oven 180 degrees Celsius until cooked, remove from heat and chill it.

Main :

1. Boil milk
2. Whisk the eggs with the sugar until the sugar dissolves. enter the flour, mix well
3. Pour the boiling milk, stirring. heat over low heat, stirring until cooked. Remove and chill it.
4. Pour a bowl of each pie with the main ingredients
5. Stacking sliced ​​peaches on top.

So, this is the our handmade fruit pie  

fruit pie by jesslyn sukiat
Fruit Pie Recipe by Jesslyn Sukiat

By : Jesslyn Sukiat

Jesslyn Sukiat

Are you interested in photography , economic, culinary, vacation , technology and many other things? 
If you do, please kindly visit my teacher's blog http://gintong.me/

Kamis, 15 Mei 2014

Green Tea Cream Cake Recipe By Jesslyn Sukiat

jesslyn sukiat greentea cream cake recipe

Hello!! it's been a while since i post the last recipe. It's not because that i'm busy but recently i have no more recipe left to share with you guys. Then suddenly i remember that my sister has Green Tea Cream Cake Recipe so here it is.

She was 17
She studied at Dian Harapan Senior High School
She love cooking and baking so she joined Cooking class for her extrakulikuler for about half year.
Every Tuesday she always brought us some dessert  she made. 
All of the desserts she made were very delicious, she's so talented  
But this one is my all time favourite one, Green Tea Cream Cake.
Smooth, sweet, creamy, a lil bit bitter and smelling green tea. 

The picture above is not as good as the real
But i hope you want to try to make some because i bet you this won't make you regret.

Cake Ingredients :

- 8 kuning telor, 4 putih telor
- 90 gram gula pasir halus ( gula kastor)
- 5 gram cake emulsifier
- 50 gram terigu kunci 
- 10 gram bubuk greentea
- 15 gram susu bubuk dancow fullcream
- 10 gram tepung maizena
- 1/2 sdt baking powder
- 100 gram mentega baker mix (campuran butter dan mentega) , cairkan.
- 1 pack strawberry segar untuk hiasan

Bahan pelapis :
- 200 gram wheaping cream
- 400 cc air es dingin
- 1/2 sdt bubuk kopi instan nescafe , larutkan dengan air hangat

Cara membuat :

1. kocok : telur, gula hingga lembut
2. kurangi kecepatan, masukan semua bahan berbentuk tepung yang sudah diayak.
3. masukan mentega baker mix cair kedalam adonan, aduk dengan spatula hingga rata
4. masukkan loyang 26x26x3 cm , panggang suhu 180 derajat celcius selama 30 menit
5. potong bulat diameter 4cm susun dalam plastik mika yang dibentuk tabung paling bawah cake diberi adonan pelapis, diatsnya cake, terakhir beri bahan pelapis, letakkan strawberry di paling atas.

by : Jesslyn Sukiat 

suka travelling? tapi ga punya transportasi?
Please kindly check my friend's blog http://ritasusantiexperience.blogspot.com/

Sabtu, 03 Mei 2014

National Dessert Day

dessert by jesslyn sukiat
Life is short, eat dessert first - Jesslyn Sukiat

14 October 

Happy National Dessert Day 

"Embrace a new challenge like your favourite dessert"
"Look forward to it and savor every minute like you savor every bite of that sweet treat" 
-Mary Frances Winters-
