Hello!! it's been a while since i post the last recipe. It's not because that i'm busy but recently i have no more recipe left to share with you guys. Then suddenly i remember that my sister has Green Tea Cream Cake Recipe so here it is.
She was 17
She studied at Dian Harapan Senior High School
She love cooking and baking so she joined Cooking class for her extrakulikuler for about half year.
Every Tuesday she always brought us some dessert she made.
All of the desserts she made were very delicious, she's so talented
But this one is my all time favourite one, Green Tea Cream Cake.
Smooth, sweet, creamy, a lil bit bitter and smelling green tea.
The picture above is not as good as the real
But i hope you want to try to make some because i bet you this won't make you regret.
Cake Ingredients :
- 8 kuning telor, 4 putih telor
- 90 gram gula pasir halus ( gula kastor)
- 5 gram cake emulsifier
- 50 gram terigu kunci
- 10 gram bubuk greentea
- 15 gram susu bubuk dancow fullcream
- 10 gram tepung maizena
- 1/2 sdt baking powder
- 100 gram mentega baker mix (campuran butter dan mentega) , cairkan.
- 1 pack strawberry segar untuk hiasan
Bahan pelapis :
- 200 gram wheaping cream
- 400 cc air es dingin
- 1/2 sdt bubuk kopi instan nescafe , larutkan dengan air hangat
Cara membuat :
1. kocok : telur, gula hingga lembut
2. kurangi kecepatan, masukan semua bahan berbentuk tepung yang sudah diayak.
3. masukan mentega baker mix cair kedalam adonan, aduk dengan spatula hingga rata
4. masukkan loyang 26x26x3 cm , panggang suhu 180 derajat celcius selama 30 menit
5. potong bulat diameter 4cm susun dalam plastik mika yang dibentuk tabung paling bawah cake diberi adonan pelapis, diatsnya cake, terakhir beri bahan pelapis, letakkan strawberry di paling atas.
by : Jesslyn Sukiat
suka travelling? tapi ga punya transportasi?
Please kindly check my friend's blog http://ritasusantiexperience.blogspot.com/
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