Jumat, 04 April 2014

Easy Way To Do Diet


Nowadays diet isn't new things to us .Either women or men , young or old , most of us ever do diet . Or at least we ever thought one day we would go on a diet .Diet can be categorized into 2 kinds of diets, first is to lose weight and second is diet to maintain health .Diet is not that bad if we go through the the right steps .Diet can be dangerous when we go on extreme diet program .Let me give you some example of my cousin who used to do diet on extreme ways.My sister was 16 years old , with of 157cm in height and weight range of 55 pounds, as a teenager she felt that her body wasn't proportional, i mean a bit overweight.

On holiday , she decided to do a diet program , in 2001 in which a healthy diet is not widely publicized on TV .Armed with the results of knowledge sober and chatting along with school friends , he was running a diet program .But as I said , he did that in  extreme steps , starting from the abstinence of meat and oil at all and reduce the portion of the rice becomes half of the normal portion .Did you know what happened next ?The first few weeks, diet program goes smoothly , her weight dropped a few pounds .But guess, when the school holidays was over and school routines was started  , a diet program which had been runned for 3 weeks turned into a mess . An uncontrolled diet program .

The are many reasons  , first because of the stress gave her chance to eat whatever she wants to eat, she wreak all her stress in food. The second is the habit of abstinence meat and oil is carried suddenly arouse the desire to eat meat and oil becomes higher and consequently becomes uncontrolled .Well , based on the experience of my cousin above , we come to know that the diet requires a step.There are many ways to do diet such as water detox, gym , pilates , reduce oil , sugar , carbohydrates , and other fatty foods .Difficult isn't it?Because as we all know that delicious food is generally unhealthy and healthy foods are generally not delicious.Then , for those who are in a diet program, how to eat delicious food yet not ruined your diet program?Here are some menus you can make by yourself at home as the recipes aren't that difficult.

1 . Grilled Salmon


Salmon is one of the most delicious and healthy fish For diet we can cultivate salmon with roasted or grilled .Why ? because grilled salmon  do not need a lot of oil that can make the body become fat and unhealthy .Way too easy , first prepare the salmon that have been peeled, then sprinkle with salt and pepper.Then, prepare a skillet and pour half of tablespoon of olive oil ( this oil is very healthy and contains no fat, so it is suitable for the diet program ) . Once the skillet is ready, put the salmon that had been poured with pepper and salt , turn the salmonabout 5 minutes on each side .Once the salmon was cooked, lift up a serving plate , turn it back on the griddle is still a little leftover olive oil , add lemon juice and stir for one minute .Then pour the mixture of olive oil and lemon dressing over the salmon .2 . Original Avocado Juice
Avocados are  fruit with delicious original flavor .
Usually I consume this fruit using sweetened condensed milk mixed with coffee and avocado cut into pieces.How does it taste ? Undoubtedly because it was really tasty .Avocados also appeared to  be used as a diet program .Itcan be made into juice or cut into pieces and mixed with milk .The most important thing is not to use sugar because sugar is not recommended on  diet program .For a sweet taste , you could use a bit of sweetened condensed milk with vanilla flavor .For those who are not accustomed to eat sweet foods , you can just eat the avocado without any dressings because avocados  itself  taste sweet.

Please try and enjoy your diet program peeps ! :)

By : Jesslyn Sukiat

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